A new melon variety and new planting of cukes

Every farmer that grows musk melons has a different variety that is there favorite so it’s hard to choose which ones to grow for our first melons.

There are so many fantastic varieties and we know some amazing farmers of melons who love a wide variety of them.

In July we harvested our Galia melons and now we are beginning to harvest our second variety of musk melon called Trinidad.

It is in the Ananas melon family and has a golden yellow exterior with a flesh the color of cream with hints of orange.

They are so delicious and when we were testing them the other night we ate the two we harvested in rapid succession.

There are only so many cucumbers that one plant can produce in a season so that is why we have four plantings of all three of our varieties.

The third planting is starting to produce some delicious cucumbers at the perfect time as our first planting is slowing down significantly.

Over the last week the peppers have really turned a corner in the amount that are ripening and it so great to be able to harvest many more.

We were hoping to have lots of eggplant at this time to go along with the tomatoes and peppers but the hot weather the past few weeks didn’t allow the flowers on the plants to form fruit. It is an issue all farmers in the area are currently having and hopefully the cooler weather we have for the next few days will help the flowers successfully fruit.

This week is also a celebration of farmers markets across the country. They have been such a huge part of our lives beginning when we started going to them when we were three weeks old.

We always are looking forward to the next market and getting to interact with everyone that stops by our stand. It also sometimes is the only time we get to chat with other farmers as we are usually all busy.

Fortunately we were able to spend some good time chatting with other farmers and people connected to the local food movement last Saturday night at the annual Peach Party that Good Humus Produce has. There was so much good food and lots to catch up with everyone.

Early next week we would like be transplanting our first fall crops as they are growing very quickly and almost ready to be planted.

We seeded another round of lettuces on Monday along with more broccoli, broccolini, cauliflower and parsley.

Depending on the weather but we have planned to do our first direct seeding of the fall in a couple of weeks and that will be a wide variety of crops.


Saving Tomato Seed for 2024


Tomatoes, tomatoes and more tomatoes