Farmboy Organics

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A Week of Wacky Weather

It has been such an interesting week weather-wise.

We went from almost 90 degrees and sunny days to cloudy days with temperatures in the 60s. We even got almost half an inch of rain Monday night.

It was forecasted to rain but it just said it would be a sprinkle so we were surprised when we got much more than a sprinkle.

Our plans for yesterday had to be altered as the soil was a little too muddy for us to be doing more weeding and hilling up the potatoes.

Hopefully we will be able to finish hilling up the potatoes and continue weeding today and tomorrow.

The Davis Farmers Market has been canceled for today but we will be there on Saturday with our first spring onions of the year.

Monday we were able to get some lettuce and parsley transplanted. We also filled in gaps from where direct seeded summer squash, melons and watermelons didn’t germinate with some starts we planted in the greenhouse.

Getting those veggies in was so nice with the cooler weather that we will be having over the next week with most days in the 60s.

Everything will be growing a little bit slower than it was when the temperatures were in the 80s.

There has been lots of rapid growth with the warm temperatures that is visible over the last few days which makes us excited to see it getting closer to harvest time for some veggies after so long of very little growth.

After having just a few varieties of lettuce the last few months we will be starting to have a larger selection of varieties as the lettuce we planted in the spring is starting to be ready to harvest.

Many of the summer crops are showing significant growth over the last week after getting established in the ground. The key will be for us to not let them need to use any energy competing with weeds for water and nutrients so that they can solely focus on growing strong plants.