Farmboy Organics

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Fall Crops Enjoying The Cool Weather

A year ago today it was over 110 degrees and this past week has been a shockingly cool week on the farm.

Last Friday and Saturday the high for the day didn’t even reach 80 degrees which as surprising for the end of August.

It made Friday be such a nice day to harvest for the market and our wholesale orders.

The cool weather leads to all of the summer crops slowing down in the speed of their ripening process by a little bit. It may not be very noticeable right now but it does make a difference.

Fortunately we are not forecasted to have a big heat wave after the cool weather which would have caused lots more stress on the plants.

All the fall crops we planted enjoy the cool weather more than the temperatures in the high 90s which cause them stress.

They are growing pretty well so far and the larger the plants get they will grow faster with more leaves available to be used for photosynthesis.

Over the next week the temperatures are forecasted to be in the mid 90s and the plants will love the nice warm days along with cool nights.

We are furiously seeding fall crops eery week. Every week new seeds get planted in the greenhouse and plants get taken from the greenhouse and planted in the field. We also have planted lots of seeds directly in the field and are watching them germinate and start to grow.

A big task that we are starting to work on is weeding the fall crops, there are a lot of small weeds in the crop and it is important to get to them before the weeds outgrow the crop.