Fall has arrived!

It finally feels like fall on the farm!

The past week the temperatures have dropped into the 70s and at night it’s gotten below 50 degrees for the first time since the spring.

Over the last month it has started to feel like fall with all the fall crops we have started to harvest with many more to come.

Just as those crops are coming in our summer crops are coming to an end. Last weekend we had our last tomatoes and okra of the season and this week is the final week of cucumbers.

We still will have a little bit of basil this week but probably none after this week. We’ll have peppers and eggplant for a little bit longer.

Also this week signals the end of the season for the Benicia Farmers Market on Thursday. It will be from 4-7 pm on 1st Street and we will have lots of veggies plus winter squash and sweet potatoes for you to stock up on. We will also have our first harvest of spinach at only this market this week.

This weather is perfect for roasting all of our sweet potatoes, delicata, butterbaby, and honeynut squash. We’ve been eating lots of them and they are a perfect complement to any meal with so many different ways to cook them.

We have spent a lot of time this week harvesting sweet potatoes, weeding and seeding our second to last planting of the year of lettuce. We also transplanted some fennel and cauliflower which will be ready to harvest in a few months.

All of our crops are growing slower with the shorter amount of daylight and cooler temperatures but they are enjoying it. There is a little bit of dew in the morning every day which the crops love and makes them look fantastic!

The lettuce continues to look and taste fabulous while our root crops are producing more including our first carrots getting closer to being ready to harvest.


Feeding the soil and a sprinkle of rain


Garlic planting!!