Getting into the weeds

After last week’s rain which ended up being over two inches the sun has been beaming down on all of our crops as the temperatures have warmed up a little bit.

It’s been so great to see the sun out helping the plants grow and giving more energy to us.

We have used all that energy the last few days to weed as many of our crops as we can.

So many of our transplants and seedling have been growing very slowly and the weeds have been growing even a little faster.

We needed to get those weeds dealt with so that the veggies could put all of their energy into growing healthy, delicious plants and not have to put energy into out competing weeds.

For some of the crops like the lettuce we are hoping it is the only time we will weed them before we harvest them as they should grow faster with the warmer weather and shade out the weeds.

Some of the other veggies will need more weeding but hopefully by doing a more intense weeding now we will be able to stay on top of it.

Typically we are seeding in the greenhouse or direct seeding in the field this week but we haven’t done that yet this week. We will be direct seeding a few veggies including summer squash later this week as more of our summer crops start going into the soil to grow.

We have also been preparing to do a lot of planting in the coming week. There is bok choy, spinach, lettuce, eggplant, basil and tarragon that are ready to transplant now or in the coming days.

Now that we have been able to get the tractor into the field we have the area those transplants are going in already ready and we are working on more.

Yesterday we mowed almost all of the cover crop that was still growing in the field and then in a couple of days we will do the rest of the work to prepare it.

We don’t just have some tarragon ready to transplant, we also have some that is ready to harvest. We will have our first few bunches of tarragon and chives at the farmers market this Saturday.

The french tarragon we are growing has a sweet anise flavor that is delicious in salads, soups and sauces. Our chives have a mild onion flavor that is scrumptious in any savory dish.


Many More Summer Crops Planted


First tomatoes planted in the ground