One planting of every summer crop is in the ground

It has been so amazing to work on the farm with the sun shining and warmer temperatures the past two weeks.

Everything is looking so much happier!

Over the past week we got our peppers and cucumbers transplanted which were our last two main summer crops we had not planted yet.

Although they look the same, we are growing seven different varieties of sweet peppers. Our first peppers should be ready to harvest mid-late June with sone of the longer to ripen varieties taking until July.

We planted three varieties of cucumbers including the most popular striped armenian cucumber, a standard slicing one and the Suyo Long cucumber.

Being our first planting of cucumbers and a little earlier than ideal weather to direct seed cucumbers we decided to transplant this first batch to give them a head start. Hopefully we will have cucumbers ready to harvest a week or two into June.

Many of our other crops that we have direct seeded in the last two weeks are starting to germinate and grow including our summer squash and green beans.

With everything growing much faster due to the warmer weather it means there is much more to do on the farm. We are getting in the rhythm of all this work after a few months that were slower with all the cold and rain.

The transplanting of veggies is slowing down but there is a constant need for weeding and what we weeded a few weeks ago need to be weeded again soon.

Almost all of our plantings from now on will be larger ones of summer veggies and alliums meaning we have to have large areas prepped ahead of time.

As of now we have mowed all the cover crop and done the tractor work for all the onions, shallots and tomatoes we will be planting in the next week.

This coming Saturday is the annual Earth Day although for us every day is earth day working to take care of the small part of the earth we are on.


Planting, planting and more planting


Many More Summer Crops Planted