Planting Carrots & Bunching Greens are Looking Good!
The summer crops are still providing bountiful harvest but we have one eye squarely on the fall crops that need our attention right now.
Two weeks ago we transplanted a lot of bunching greens and broccoli and this week we focused on direct seeding. We had delayed doing it for a week as the weather was a little too hot last week but this past Sunday it cooled down enough to seed.
Our main crop we seeded was carrots which will hopefully be ready in late October/early November. We also seeded beets, turnips, bok choy, radishes, arugula and spinach Sunday and they will be ready a lot sooner than the carrots.
The radishes and arugula will be a little bit spicier now than later in the fall as the heat makes them spicier.
We’ll be seeding all of these crops, except carrots, every two weeks so that we have a consistent supply of them all fall and into the winter. For carrots we able to plant a few larger plantings instead of a lot of smaller ones.
The greens we transplanted are growing very well and we spent a good amount of time weeding them so that they don’t have to compete for water and nutrients. The area we planted them had a cover crop last winter but didn’t have a crop in the spring or summer so once we irrigated it after planting lots of grasses and other weeds germinated.
Our eggplant are finally starting to produce a good amount and there is a lot of smaller ones on the plants. It is very exciting since its been such a strange year for eggplant on farms in the area due to what everyone guesses is the weather but no one is completely sure.
We have seven different varieties of eggplants that all are delicious and can be cooked in different ways. Right now we have loads of the Japanese and Chinese varieties which hold their shape very well when cooked with a creamy flavor for the Japanese one and the Chinese variety is delicious and brings out its amazing flavor when baked.