Farmboy Organics

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Planting, planting and more planting

All the plants in our greenhouse were begging to get planted in the ground and so over the past week we have planted thousands of them.

By number of plants the most we planted were yellow onions followed by red onions and shallots.

We already planted lots of onions last fall of six different varieties which are growing well and hopefully we can start harvesting the fresh onions soon. This spring planting will be ready to harvest much later and is two varieties that hold very well so hopefully we will have onions later into the fall this year than last year.

The other big crop we planted was tomatoes and it was our second planting of them and one of our two largest ones. It has lots more heirloom tomato varieties in this planting that we didn’t want to risk struggling with cooler weather.

There likely won’t be a huge gap between our first and second planting in terms of when they are ready to start harvesting but we will see with this unique weather we are having this year.

It is being forecasted to be 90degrees on Friday and Saturday before dropping to 66 degrees on Tuesday.

We also planted more lettuce as we are making our way through harvesting what we have planted as all of it is growing really well.

In other very exciting news our potatoes are growing well! It took them much longer to germinate and break through the soil than last year.

We knew it was going to take much longer with the rain and cold temperatures. Fortunately we didn’t have many potatoes that rotted being in the cold and wet soil that wasn’t ideal for them.

Getting them in before all the rain was very beneficial for us to have sooner potatoes as some farms didn’t plant their until the start of April or a little bit later so they will be ready to harvest later.

Last year we harvested our first potatoes May 10 and we definitely are not going to be harvesting then at that time this year. Hopefully they grow really well with the warm weather and we get to start harvesting by the end of May.

After getting all those veggies transplanted the greenhouse is looking much emptier. What is still growing in there is two more plantings of lettuce, one of which will be transplanted in the coming days.

Also it has a planting of basil, our second planting of peppers and our third planting of tomatoes. The last thing in the greenhouse is our leeks which will be in there for a few more weeks before they get transplanted.