Ripening tomatoes and melons

It is such a nice sight to see our tomato plants full of green fruit now having lots of the fruit changing color and being ready to harvest.

The heat wave two weekends ago really sped up the ripening process for the tomatoes ad the amount of tomatoes we are harvesting is going up quickly.

Our sungold cherry tomatoes have gone from just a few being ready to harvest to multiple boxes every time we harvest. These orange cherry tomatoes are the most popular one we grow.

We also are growing Sweet 100 which is a round red cherry tomato, Juliet which is slightly larger red that is considered a mini-saladette tomato and our mix of cherry tomatoes. The mix comes from seed we saved from last years crop of the varieties that were the best.

The first two heirloom tomatoes were at the market this past Saturday and we will have a good amount more today and on Saturday as they continue ripening. The first variety that is showing lots of ripening is the Cherokee Purple, all the other varieties should be following shortly.

While our heirlooms start coming in, the amount of early girls we are harvest is increasing rapidly. These red tomatoes are so delicious and

In exciting news we will have our first melons of the year at this week’s farmers market. They are a really delicious variety called Galia which has a green flesh.

We will only be having a small amount of melons this year and after this first planting we will have a little break before a different variety ripens.

Our peppers are also starting to ripen so we are harvesting the first few.

Almost all of our onions we planted last fall, except for a few spring onions left, have been harvest and are curing or have been cured but those aren’t all the onions we will have this year.

We planted a good amount of onions this spring that will be ready to harvest in another month or so and the onions are looking very good with the bulbs sizing up.


Heirloom tomatoes coming in plus lots of cherry tomatoes


Thinking About Leafy Greens During The Heat Wave