Seeding Extravaganza & Back at Market!!

The focus the last few few days has been all on seeding and planting crops.

In fact just last Friday we direct seeded almost 60,000 seeds into the fields and on Monday we seeded 13,000 more seeds in cell trays in the greenhouse.

This is probably the largest planting period because in addition to the direct seeding of carrots, beets, spinach, bok choy, radish, arugula and turnips we had our spring seeding of alliums.

We planted a decent amount of onions in the fall but we did a lot more red and yellow onions this week plus shallots and leeks. Now those crops will spent a good amount of time in the greenhouse which is getting full.

The other big news from the week is we will be back at the Davis Farmers Market starting Saturday, February 4. We will be returning to the Wednesday Davis Farmers Market the following week.

Our first harvest of 2023 will include lettuce, carrots, broccoli, broccolini, spinach, turnips, cabbage, kale and chard. We are excited to be back at market!!

The nice weather allowed us to get some transplanting of little gem lettuce done Saturday. Those lettuces have been waiting for the soil to dry out to get planted.

An added benefit for those lettuces was that we got a light rain on Sunday which they loved along with all of our other crops.

We still have lots more lettuce to transplant over the next two days plus our first trays we seeded in 2023 are growing really well.

There are already three successions of lettuce from this year in the greenhouse along with lots of broccoli and bunching greens. Along with the tomatoes from last week we planted eggplant this week and next week our first peppers will get seeded.

Before we were able to direct seed and transplant the veggies we did this week we were able to get the tractor out to prep the parts of the field we needed.

In addition to the bed prep we spent a good amount of time we mowing old crops down which changed how the fields looked like. We had lots of old crops that were waiting to get mowed before we either plant veggies in those areas or cover crops.


Watching plants grow!!


The sun is making think about summer