Farmboy Organics

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So Many Fall Veggies Ready to Harvest

We are officially past the Fall Equinox and lots of our fall veggies are ready for us to harvest.

They have grown rapidly in the last two weeks and in addition to the red Russian kale, radishes and arugula we started harvesting last week we will have a plethora of other fall deliciousness.

We will also have our first lettuce, chard, turnips, bok choy and Dino kale of the fall at markets starting today! We will have somewhat limited quantities at first as only some of the plants are ready to harvest.

After almost three months without any leafy greens we will have lots of them from now through next spring.

They will add so many different flavors and textures to a salad and any dish whether its the lettuce or arugula in a salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers or the bok choy in a stir fry.

For the lettuce we will have one variety of head lettuce and one variety of little gems at the start. Over the coming weeks our other varieties will start to be ready to harvest but these ones are first because they handle the warmer weather better.

Don’t worry we still have lots of summer veggies. The cooler weather is slowing down their ripening by a little bit.

In a few weeks there likely will be a significant drop in their production and we will have limited quantities at the farmers market.

After we got the beets, bok choy and spinach weeded last weeks it’s been impressive to see their growth and always a good reminder how important weeding is in the early stages to help the veggies grow much better.

We still have lots of weeding to do on all of our fall veggies as the weeds are growing as fast as the veggies are.

Seeding in the greenhouse is officially done until next year with our last planting of lettuce. The greenhouse is still pretty full with baby plants, mainly lettuce and onions. Those will get planted over the next six weeks with the onions being transplanted in mid-November.

In other exciting news we will be presenting a workshop on starting a small farm at the Hoes Down Festival October 7!! Our workshop will be at 4:30 and it was a honor they asked us to do this as they bring back the amazing festival for the first time since 2019.