Farmboy Organics

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Summer veggies ripening faster in the heat

We are finally harvesting all of our summer veggies in decent amount now that are peppers are coming in pretty well.

They were the last holdout of the crops as they take a little bit more time to ripen.

The color on our Jimmy Nardello peppers have turned dark red on some of them and that means they are the sweetest they can be. Don’t be fooled by the dark red color into thinking that they are spicy, they are actually very sweet and delicious.

Our Gypsy pepper plants are covered in peppers that are turning from yellow to orange. They are a delicious pepper that can be used wherever a pepper is needed in a dish.

The peppers are coming on right as we have a large increase in the amount of heirloom tomatoes we are harvesting. The hot temperatures the last few weeks have helped both crops but especially our tomatoes which had lots of plants full of fruit waiting for the hot weather to ripen.

Over the last few weeks we have started to harvest a little bit of okra and bringing it to market. The quantity of okra we have will increase once our second planting starts producing because we had poor germination in one of our two beds in the first planting leaving us with half as many okra plants as expected.

We have just finished cleaning up and storing all of our onions we planted in the fall and we will have our first cured yellow onions at market this week. The onions we planted in the spring are starting to be ready to harvest and cure since their green tops are falling over

All the fall veggies we seeded last week have germinated and are starting to grow quickly. In around four weeks we will be transplanting almost all of them into the field.

With that time to transplant coming soon we are getting ready to prepare the area for each of the veggies to get planted.

We did some more seeding this week of lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower. Every week we are seeding lettuce to hopefully keep a consistent amount ready to harvest all fall and winter.

Last year we planted our cauliflower too late and it didn’t grow well with the cold weather we got so we moved up our planting dated by a good amount.