Farmboy Organics

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Upcoming heat wave and end of most spring veggies

In most years the temperature crosses 100 degrees at least once by this point in June but we have not reached it so far, fortunately.

Unfortunately we are about to get a heat wave starting tomorrow and going through the weekend with the high on Saturday being forecasted at 108 degrees.

For our summer crops they will be ripening much faster with the hot days than they have been which is nice but the temperatures also will be not enjoyed by many of our spring crops.

Most of our spring crops were already coming to the end soon but this heat wave will end the harvest of almost all of those crops until the fall.

Saturday will be the last day we have lettuce until the fall along with chard, kale and broccolini. We still will have carrots and cabbage for a little bit longer.

All of our summer crops have been covered with flowers due to the cooler weather we have been having which has encouraged the flowering to happen. Many of those flowers are starting to produce the tiniest fruits on them ahead of the heatwave which is great because when the flower doesn’t have a small fruit in them during a heat wave it can cause the flower to drop from the plant.

The cherry tomato plants are covered in blossoms that hopefully will turn into lots of sweet fruit in a few weeks. We already are seeing the amount of ripe fruit we can harvest multiply each time we pick them.

Peppers are usually a little bit behind tomatoes and eggplants which is the case this year. The plants are filled with lots of peppers and the first few are starting to slightly change color. Our shishito peppers we were able to start harvest last Friday so we should have a good amount of them going forward.

It has been really exciting to be harvesting our green beans and the romano beans and see there be lots of beans on the plants. We are harvesting from our first planting and will continue to do so while our next plantings are looking very good so far filled with flowers and even a few tiny beans on them.

A new crop this year for us is melons and watermelons which we are only doing a small amount of and hoped to have for this coming week but they are a little ways aways. Every time we see them they have increased in size.