Drizzle of rain after a weekend of 90s

After having days in the 90s over the weekend the weather has quickly changed with Tuesday in the low 70s and even getting the slightest drizzle of rain.

Preceding the minuscule amount of rain and cloudy afternoon Tuesday was a good amount of wind. The wind always seems to blow on the farm before and after some stormy whether or in this case just some dark clouds and a few drops of rain.

Over the next week the weather should remain cooler which will be more enjoyable to work in and more importantly the daily low temperatures will be in the 50s for all but one day.

Staying above 50 degrees is important for many of the summer crops to keep them ripening and for the basil it will struggle after a few consecutive days below that mark.

The fall crops are also going to like this upcoming weather as it helps them grow but does not stress them out as much as this past weekend did.

They are not ready yet to harvest but the plants in the first broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower planting of the fall are really big which is exciting. That means we will get good sized heads off of them after those brassicas struggled to grow in the spring with the cold weather producing smaller than normal heads we could harvest.

We had a fantastic time at the Hoes Down Festival this weekend doing our workshop, catching up with all our farmer friends and meeting new people.

It made for a busy and long weekend but it was so worth it. Getting to walk around Full Belly Farm and observe everything they had going on was fantastic plus talking about the ways they are continuing to improve different aspects of the farm.

Back on our farm we spent a lot of time weeding veggies including lettuce, beets, turnips, arugula and bok choy. After a few more days of this weather those crops will just grow much more rapidly now that they are not competing with the weeds.

We will have another new fall crop at market starting today being broccolini. It is so delicious and great cooked in any way including stir fried, roasted and steamed.


More fall veggies ready to harvest


A new flush of tomatoes and changing weather