Farmboy Organics

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Garlic planting!!

It’s garlic time!

Well we don’t have any to harvest, but we have planted all of our garlic for harvest at the end of next May which we are very excited about.

Garlic is a staple in so many meals and we are very happy we will have locally grown certified organic garlic next year.

Last year just after we signed our lease we looked around to see if there was any of the variety we wanted to grow available but there was not.

This year we made sure to sort it out in advance on where we were getting our garlic and we now have 57 pounds of California Early White garlic planted on the farm.

Terra Firma Farm, which is very close, always does a large order of over 8,00 pounds of garlic so we were able to get a tiny amount of that. They are planting their garlic in the field next to us so we were able to walk over and grab the 5,700 cloves of garlic we needed.

An added benefit of getting it from them is that the garlic has already been broken up into cloves so we don’t have to spend the time breaking the heads of garlic up. Other farms also get their garlic in this order as the larger quantity helps lower the price for everybody and its easier for one farm to pick up all the garlic.

Now that the big task of planting garlic is done our focus turns back to harvesting, weeding and planting all of our fall veggies. We started harvesting beets for last Saturday’s market and should have them consistently from now on.

It is our last week of tomatoes for 2022 so come grab some at either the Wednesday or Saturday Davis Farmers’ Markets. We’ll still have some of the other summer crops if peppers, eggplant and cucumber for a little bit longer but not too many with the temperatures cooling down much more this weekend.

The temperature dropped down to 50 degrees overnight a few days ago which is the crucial temperature for basil but fortunately it doesn’t look like there is any damage on the basil so we will have it at market this week.