Gratitude and Good Food

There are so many reasons we farm including we want to eat delicious locally grown food and want to provide those same veggies for the local communities.

We are so grateful that we are able to follow one of our passions as our full-time jobs in a location which such a strong community of farmers and supporters of local food.

There have been so many people that have supported us throughout this journey that we are so grateful for. Our parents showed us that this way of farming was possible to do as a living and made an impact on people through building community.

We are so grateful for all the farmers in the area who share their knowledge and insight with us, especially Lloyd who farmed the property we are farming for over 20 years. Him and his wife Sarah have been so supportive to us from the very beginning with everything possible.

Thank you to every single person who has supported us through the markets and other places where are veggies are sold plus those who mention us to their friends and neighbors.

With Thanksgiving a holiday centered around food it has always been preferred by us to other holidays. We enjoy the time everyone spends together making the meal and then eating all the delicious dishes made with many ingredients grown by us or other farmers.

All the veggies we will have in our meal tomorrow will be ones we grew which is one of our goals with farming.

If you still need to get some veggies before you prepare your holiday meal or just to stock up your fridge you can get the most fresh ones today.

The normal Wednesday Davis Farmers Market has extended hours this week due to the holiday. It will be from 12-6 pm in Central Park. We will be there with all of our fall veggies including lots of carrots, lettuce, sweet potatoes and winter squash.

We will also be at the Saturday market with all the same veggies so if your fridge is empty from cooking for everyone or if you are returning from visiting family or friends we have the veggies you need.

This week we have intentionally slowed down on the farm to take a little bit of a break and step back to observe what we have in the plans for next year.


Lettuce and Potential Rain


Last Big Planting of the Fall