Last Big Planting of the Fall

What we are planting in the field has slowed down a lot as the days have gotten much shorter and colder.

Yesterday was our last big planting of the fall with all of our overwintered onions getting transplanted along with cauliflower and broccoli. Most of the onions will be ready to harvest next June which is earlier than if we planted them in the spring.

We underestimated by a lot how many onions we should grow so we increased the amount in this planting and then we will be planting even more in the spring.

A few of the varieties of onions we are growing will be harvested as fresh onions so planting them now will allow us to begin harvesting them in March and April.

We also did our last direct seeding of crops of 2022. Last week’s rain pushed back some of the seeding so we had a lot of turnips and radishes to plant along with spinach and sugar snap peas. Our first planting of sugar snap peas is growing well but has not yet flowered so we are not sure when we will be able to start harvesting from it.

The one crop that we still will be transplanting over the coming weeks including Thursday is lettuce. It is the only thing left in our greenhouse and these plants will take a lot longer to grow once they are in the field so we won’t harvest them until around late February/early March.

The rest of the summer crops were mowed down over the weekend which has made the farm much more empty with the tall tomatoes and okra not there to hide what is planted beyond them.

All the organic matter from the crops will take a few weeks to break down and then we will plant that area in cover crops to improve the soil for next year’s crops.

We are starting our planning for next spring and summer so that we can order the seeds in plenty of time. Additionally, we are also working on accomplishing small projects around the farm that will help us but haven’t been a priority to do during the busier time on the farm.

With the holidays around the corner the only change for us is that next Wednesday’s, November 23, market will be from 12-6 p.m. instead of 3-6 p.m. so come grab any last minute veggies you need.


Gratitude and Good Food


Feeding the soil and a sprinkle of rain