Harvesting onions, garlic and a little drizzle of rain

The two crops that have been in the ground the longest after being planted last fall we are now starting to harvest.

We planted these early red burgers last fall and just this week we harvested them from the field.

We also have started the longer process of harvesting our garlic which we have a lot more of.

Both of those crops are not ones we sell right after we harvest but ones we cure to be able to store for a few months or until we sell out.

We pull them from the field and keep them in the shade for a few weeks or until they have dried down. Being exposed to sunlight while curing can damage the onions and garlic so they will not be able to store well and will look bad.

Of course the same week we are pulling the onions and garlic there is a little drizzle of rain. Fortunately it was not that much and it should not affect the curing of them.

It has been a little unexpected to have June start with such a drop in the temperature to a high of 74 yesterday after being 93 on Sunday. Additionally it was cloudy and the humidity was much higher than normal.

The weather for the next 10 days is forecasted not to go above the mid-80s which is a little surprising for this time of the year.

We may be able to continue harvesting some of our spring crops for a little bit longer into June due to this weather. Some of our spring crops we are reaching the last ones we planted so we will likely have radishes for this week only before we are done until the farm.

Our final turnips until the fall went to the market this past weekend and we don’t have too much bok choy left in the field.

We just weeded our first planting of cucumbers and are seeing a lot of small fruit on the plants along with a bounty of flowers. Some of the cucumbers are larger so we may have the first few at market this weekend but we won’t be sure until we harvest Friday.

All of our other summer crops are growing really well right now. Our tomatoes are full of flowers along with a decent amount of fruit. The cherry tomatoes have some trusses of green fruit and our early girls have fruit that are growing.

The eggplant and peppers are flowering and enjoying this cooler weather. Our melons and watermelons have a few fruit on them and hopefully continue to produce more with the flowers they have.


Finding a turtle in the tomatoes


First potatoes of the season!!!