First potatoes of the season!!!

We have been excitedly watching our potatoes grow and now it is time to start harvesting them.

The first potatoes of the harvest are very special and unique with the skin on them being very fragile. They are also very creamy as a result of having more water and less starch in them than potatoes that are harvested further along.

With the delicate skins it is crucial to refrigerate these new potatoes.

Returning to our market stand is parsley this week after a hiatus. All the parsley we planted early in the fall went to flower after the cold weather and our parsley we planted this spring has been soaking in all the nice weather recently and slowly growing.

We also will have a little bit more summer squash at the both the Wednesday and Saturday markets. The plants are starting to produce more and they are showing significant growth every day. We have four varieties and are harvesting three of them currently with the four one likely ready for this weekend.

Over the past month we’ve been having yellow and red spring onions at the market and now we have a new spring onion. The onion part of it is shaped like a torpedo with a long bulb that is red and has a sweet flavor that is good cooked or used raw.

Another one of our onion varieties called red burger which we cure before bringing to market is showing the signs that it is ready to pull from the field. The leaves have fallen right up to where the onion bulb is so we have stopped watering it and will be putting it under some shade to go through the curing process.

The red burger onions are ready for us to harvest at the same time as last year although there is a noticeable since difference with these ones being smaller.

In addition to everything we are harvesting we got our second plantings of eggplant and peppers into the ground. We do two plantings of each veggie so it very exciting to get the second one in.

The plants for both of them looked really good before we transplanted them and we hope that helps them grow quickly.

Our first planting of peppers is growing really well and our first planting of eggplant we are starting to see flowers on one variety.


Harvesting onions, garlic and a little drizzle of rain


Starting to harvest basil, more tomatoes planted