Farmboy Organics

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Heirloom tomatoes coming in plus lots of cherry tomatoes

We have been watching our our heirloom tomato plants be filled with large green fruits for the last few weeks that we have been very excited to see start ripening.

And they are now starting to ripen much faster with the heat.

Over the last few weeks we have had a few heirloom tomatoes of a variety or two but now we have a good variety of heirloom tomatoes.

We have a decent amount of Cherokee Purple and Marvel Stripe varieties being harvest while we just picked our first Brandywine and Benevento.

Those are most of the varieties we are growing but we have a couple more we are still waiting on.

We also have our very first Copia of the season which is a very special variety for us because we had picked it out to grow on our family’s farm with our day when we were very young. Our dad then saved the seed and we took some seed he had saved from 2008 and planted it last year before saving it again which are this year’s plants.

In the last week we have been harvesting lots more cherry tomatoes than we previously did. It was a great surprise that we were not expecting. And we may have even more as the third planting of sungolds has started to have ripe fruit.

Additionally our peppers are starting to ripen and we are bringing a few to market. The Jimmy Nardellos are turning red and the Gypsy peppers are turning orange.

While we have finished harvesting all of our spring crops except for a tiny bit of cabbage we already are working on those same crops for the fall.

On Monday we seeded our first lettuce, chard, kale, collards, broccoli, cabbage and parsley for the fall. Most of these crops we will be transplanting into the ground in about a month.

It is more difficult to start seeds in the hot weather compared to the cool spring weather but hopefully it will leads us to be able to start harvesting some of them like chard and lettuce in mid-September.