Farmboy Organics

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Last Veggies of the Year

Today is the shortest day of the year and also marks the second to last market we will be doing until the end of January.

With the cold weather and shorter days most of our crops are growing much slower so we don’t have very much left in the field to harvest. We will be at the Davis Farmers Market today and Saturday with all the veggies that we have ready to harvest. After that we don’t expect to be back at the market until February 1. That may change if everything grows much faster than we expect it to over the next five weeks.

We will have carrots, leeks, lettuce, chard, kale, turnips, broccoli and all the other veggies we’ve had the past two months at both markets this week.

When we planned out our crops for the fall and winter we were hoping to have a consistent supply of everything but the colder fall slowed down the growth of everything. It’s a great learning experience on when we need to plant certain crops if we want to harvest them at certain times in the winter.

Winter growing is the most challenging on the farm because everything takes much longer to grow and it is unique for each location so it can take awhile to learn.

It will be the last time you can get sweet potatoes until next fall as they will not store well in our barn for the next six week plus we don’t have many left. They store much better in a dark dry place in a house so make sure to pickup a few of them for the coming weeks.

We ran out of Honeynut squash a few weeks ago and this will be last markets until next season for Delicata and Butterbaby.

While it will be a break from markets for us, it doesn’t mean the works slows down. We will start seeding in the greenhouse once the calendar turns to 2023 and we always have lots of weeding to stay on top of.

Being the shortest day of the year over the next few weeks as the days get longer the crops will start to grow faster with the increase in daylight hours.