Lettuce Enjoy the Weather

Well that was a rapid change in weather.

Last Friday we were harvesting in 108 degrees for the Davis Farmers Market and then the next day when we were selling it the temperature didn’t reach 90 degrees.

We are very happy that heat wave is in the past as it wasn’t fun and the plants didn’t enjoy it. Almost all of our plants survived the heat wave except for some lettuces that bolted and they now are thriving in the cooler temperatures.

Every week we get asked multiples times if we have lettuce and this week at the Benicia Farmers Market on Thursday and the Davis Saturday Farmers Market we will be able to answer with a yes instead of a no.

Our first planting of little gems is ready to start harvesting from this week and our green leaf head lettuces also are looking great. We will likely have limited amounts but we will have some and hopefully every week from now on.

Additionally, our chard is ready to harvest for the first time this week so we have some at our stands Thursday and Saturday. In addition to the planting of chard in the field we have two more in the greenhouse and we may plant more if we feel like its necessary.

Our summer crops are still coming in strong but will take a little more time to ripen with the cooler temperatures including the low 50s at night this week.

This past week on the farm we were busy seeding lots of crops for this fall and next spring/summer. On Sunday we seeded our onions we will harvest next May as we are overwintering them so that they are ready earlier in the season. We will likely start harvest fresh onions next March. And don’t worry, we still have a good amount of onions from this year’s harvest.

While we are about to start harvesting lettuce, we also seeded some this week and transplanted another planting of it along with broccoli. It is always exciting to plant crops and look forward to when they are ready to harvest!

With last week’s Wednesday and Thursday markets canceled we were able to spend a lot of time weeding our fall crops.


Enjoying the rain & fall crops


September Heat