Starting to harvest basil, more tomatoes planted

One of the best smells of summer is basil and we are very happy to be starting to harvest it.

We had a little for the market last Saturday but will have more this week. We are also hoping to bring the first few summer squash of the season to the market on Saturday.

On Monday we planted our third succession of tomatoes in the field and this planting was about 1,200 tomatoes. The plants look really good and grew very quickly in the greenhouse with it only being six weeks from the time we seeded them to when we transplanted them.

Our second and third plantings are our largest ones and have the most number of varieties in them. We just put the stakes in for our second planting which is growing really well and is not that far behind our first planting.

We are starting to see fruit growing on our tomatoes to go along with lots of flowers. We are still weeks away from harvesting tomatoes but its nice to see them growing.

The eggplant is also starting to flower which is very exciting. The plants look much better this year than last year and hopefully that means we will have a good harvest all season long.

This week has been nice and cool weather with the highs in the low 80s. All the spring crops are enjoying the cool weather and it will help them hopefully not bolt as quickly.

We also have lots of flowers on our potato plants which have grow rapidly once the cold weather finished. The potatoes are still pretty small but are sizing up quickly and we hope to begin harvesting soon.

After having planted all those tomatoes the greenhouse is looking pretty empty. We have our leeks in there which we are planning to plant tomorrow and our second planting of peppers and eggplants which we hope to plant early next week.

The only other veggie we have in there is basil and after that the greenhouse will be empty for a little bit before we start seeding fall crops.


First potatoes of the season!!!


Staking Tomatoes and first summer crops coming soon