Sun-Kissed Plants and Soil

The sun has finally come out from behind all the rain storms and clouds!!

It is fantastic to have the sun out on the farm. The plants are loving it and so are we after not being able to do much work on the farm the past few weeks due to it being so muddy.

The last rain we got was early Monday morning so we were out on the farm afterwards to start working on some of the tasks that could not be done in the rain.

Those tasks included pruning the fruit trees on the farm that line the fields and weeding our fields. The fruit trees are only for personal consumption but they still need to be taken care of and it’s a good skill for us to learn.

We also did our weekly seeding in the greenhouse which will be happening consistently through the start of June before a short break. This week we seeded more lettuce plus chard, three varieties of kale and collards.

The forecast for the next 10 days is very promising for us to get a lot of work done in the fields and for the fields to dry up a little bit with it being sunny.

We’ve gotten over 12 inches of rain since the stat of the year so it will take a few sunny days for there not to be mud when we step into the field.

There are so many tasks on our to-do list for when the soil dries out that we are focusing on doing everything that we can do in slightly muddy conditions so we have the time for those tasks when the soil hopefully dries out enough.

Getting all this sun is great for all the crops that are in the fields currently following such a good rainfall. They should grow much faster with all the sun and the longer days we are having.


The sun is making think about summer


Rain, rain and some more rain!