Rain, rain and some more rain!

What a start to the 2023 it has been with rain almost every day for the past 10 days!

I don’t think anyone would have guessed that it’s been so constant but everyone is happy as it has been desperately needed for two years.

Most of the heavy rains seem to be coming overnight so even when it looks like a nice day to work outside we can’t do too much with it being muddy.

The one big task we have been able to do is seeding more spring crops. We got lots of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and spinach seeded so in a little over a month we should be able to transplant them in the field if its not too muddy at that time.

Over the last week we have gotten around five inches of rain. From Sunday night to Tuesday morning we received almost four inches of rain on the farm.

We’ve been very fortunate that we have not had much damage on the farm from all these storms unlike some other farms who have lost greenhouses and had their properties flooded.

In two edges of our fields right near the road there is some flooding but all that is in those areas are cover crops and we aren’t planing to plant there for a few months.

There is a drastic difference in what the weather is not and what we are doing compared to last year. Last year we didn’t get much rain in January and it was a few degrees warmer every day on average so we could do whatever work we needed to in the field.

We have been unable to do any work in the field in the last two weeks with it being muddy and us not going to market.

Fortunately we have a good amount of crops we planted late in the fall for the spring so we should still have lots to harvest even though our first planting dates in the field for this year are likely going to be pushed back.

Some tasks like weeding don’t need many sunny days for us to be able to use hand tools in there but any tasks on the tractor need a little bit more time for the soil to absorb the water and not be muddy.


Sun-Kissed Plants and Soil


The First Seeds Of The New Year!