The First Seeds Of The New Year!

There hasn’t been too much we have been able to do this week with all the rain we have been getting but we did seed our first crop of the year in the greenhouse!

On Monday we seeded six different varieties of lettuce as our first crop of the new year. It was really nice to be back seeding after not having seeded anything in the greenhouse since the end of October.

We still do have the last lettuce we seeded in October in the greenhouse as it grew pretty slowly and now it is ready to plant. The consistent rain is not making it possible for us get out into the field to prep the area the lettuce needs so it will remain in the greenhouse for a few more weeks.

We’ve had a solid amount of rain the past week totaling three and a quarter inches after getting an inch and a half right after Christmas.

It has all soaked into the soil but it will be a little while before it dries out so we have spent the time working on all the office work we can get done plus taking time off.

Over this next week it is forecasted for us to get another few inches of rain which will be very nice. Every day on the 10-day forecast has at least a 50 percent chance of rain.

With the likelihood of a continuous rainfall over the next few weeks we won’t be able to get in the field to do much field work. That most likely means that all of our first direct seeded crops we planned to plant in three weeks will be pushed back.

It also means that once we are able to get in the field there will a lot of work to do. We have a good amount of prepping for planting plus lots of weeding. Our fall planted onions did not get one last weeding before all of this rain started and really need a weeding the moment the soil dries out a little bit.

Over the next couple weeks we will seed a lot more crops in the greenhouse where they will be able get that head start and be ready to transplant once the fields are dry enough.


Rain, rain and some more rain!


Preparing for 2023!