Farmboy Organics

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Many More Summer Crops Planted

The warmer temperatures and sunny days have us turning our attention to our summer crops and putting them in the ground.

In the last two weeks we have been starting to plant summer crops in the fields starting with our tomatoes and lots more this past week.

We transplanted our first eggplant and basil in the field on Monday. There are six varieties of eggplant we are growing and two varieties of basil, Genovese and Thai.

A good a chunk of our summer crops prefer to be direct seeded so we did that for green beans, romano beans and okra.

On Thursday we direct seeded four varieties of summer squash, watermelon and a melon.

All of those are crops we didn’t grow last year but are excited to grow them this year. For the watermelons and melons we will only have them for a short season from around late-June to mid-July.

The only summer crops we have not planted in the field yet are cucumbers and shallots. We will be transplanting our first cucumbers tomorrow.

In the next week or two we will plant the shallots along with more onions. All of them are growing really well in the greenhouse and are close to being ready to plant. We still have to finish prepping the area we have planned for them to be planted in.

Almost all of our spring crops are in the ground barring a little lettuce and we are looking forward to harvesting them.

They are enjoying this weather so they need less attention now that they are established and growing well. Just from the last week of sunny days we have seen significant growth on many of the veggies.

We have seeded our last lettuce of the spring this week and it won’t be too long before we are transplanting it into the field.

The second of two plantings of eggplants was also seeded in the greenhouse Monday along with our third planting of tomatoes. We will seed another small planting of tomatoes to hopefully help us have a continuous supply of tomatoes all summer.

A time consuming task we have been working on and will continue to do so is weeding our carrots. They were slow to germinate in the cold weather but now are showing a pretty solid stand.

Getting the weeds cleaned up will help the carrots grow much faster!